#15: How to Write an Awesome Resume (After You’ve Returned From Trying to Save the World)

If you want to know the quickest, most effective way to drain every ounce of self-worth you have, all you have to do is spend an hour or two looking at an online job board.

Really, when job hunting, it’s hard not to feel like every HR department in every company in the world has lost touch with reality and now expects nothing less than perfection.  A job that used to require a four-year degree now requires six, and universities aren’t cheap.  On top of that, most of them want their ideal candidate to have about 60 years of experience in a specific field.  Spend too long looking at those things, and… yep, there goes all of your confidence.

I’ve made no secret on this blog that I’ve had some ups and downs when it comes to work post-missions.  But I want to use that experience to help you.  In my search for meaningful employment that actually pays the bills, I’ve picked up on some effective principles for making contact with employers.  These principles can be applied to whatever position or field you’re interested in going into, and they can be very effective in making you look like a competent person to a hiring manager.

And hey, there’s some bonus content at the bottom of this post, so if you’re in that boat, I encourage you to read through and check it out.

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