#11: Getting Ridiculously Excited Around Other Missionaries

If you’ve ever met a celebrity, you know it’s a pretty awesome feeling.  It doesn’t matter if they’re Dwayne Johnson or a local radio station DJ, meeting any kind of celebrity is a pretty fantastic experience.  I once met Colin Farrell at a Panda Express in Oxnard, California.  I tried to play it cool, but the truth is, I carried his autograph around in my wallet for years.  It was weird, but it was still cool.

But really, the thrill of meeting someone famous pales in comparison to the excitement of meeting someone else who’s even had a casual involvement in missions.  You overhear some stranger at a restaurant talking about their church trip to Djibouti, and inside you squeal with excitement.  You want to interrupt that person’s conversation, shake their hand, proudly exclaim that you actually know where that is, and then proceed to exchange life stories.  And the thing is, you have a good feeling that the other person wouldn’t think that it was strange or awkward at all.

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