#22: Third Culture Problems (Or, I Don’t Know How to Toilet Train My Kids Anymore).

We run in missionary circles, and this is a blog primarily for returning missionaries, so you know it had to come up eventually.  We’re going to talk about toilets.

Joelle and I are about to embark on the domestic adventure of potty training our son, Levi.  He’s a smart boy, but he’s also very fond of his routine, and it may prove to be a little difficult.  Of course, we know he’ll get it eventually, but we thought we’d give it a try now.  If you’re interested, we can keep you posted on how that goes.  Because I’m sure all of you really want to know about where my kid poops.

It does get me wondering though, for those of us who grew up using Western toilets, how would one toilet train a child if they live in a Squatty-style country?

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