#21: I Can’t Adult Today.

Irony can be a funny thing.

A little over two weeks ago, I wrote a post on Ten Ways to Spot Other Missionaries. The #1 point was “Delays in Travel Don’t Bother Them.” I wish I would have written an addendum: “Unless it involves a toddler, being pregnant, multiple delays, flight cancellations, and getting home 13 hours later than planned.”

Hey, at least I ran into a former missionary friend of mine!

It should go without saying that yesterday was a pretty hectic day in the life of the Behrens family, so today we all just crashed. Hard. My normal perky, morning toddler didn’t even get up until after 11. I had a mini-breakdown in a doctor’s office and experienced the worst leg cramps of my life. Exhausted and hurting would be an understatement.  It reminded me of the first time I came back from an overseas mission trip.

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